How to Train Your Clients to Ask Better Questions
This is a training on how to effectively guide your clients to ask better questions so your coaching containers can be more powerful and your clients can get better results... and then therefore stay working with you longer and longer!
Sometimes clients don't know how to formulate the question they have. Not because they are a "low caliber" client. But because they are going through something they have never been through before! It is our responsibility to help clients get to the root of their question so we can get them to the breakthrough they need. It is also our responsibility to answer our clients on the level that they NEED not the level they think they need. This skill changes everything.
There are 2 parts to this training.
Part 1 - focused on how you can train your clients to ask better questions
Part 2 - a discussion on how you can ask more effective questions as a client yourself!
This training will be a game-changer you didn't know you needed.