Courageously Confident
Imagine being the type of woman who was COMMITTED to going to the gym...
Imagine being OBSESSED (in a good way) with becoming stronger, physically and mentally...
Imagine FINALLY creating healthy habits for yourself...
Imagine being the woman who felt sexy AF inside and outside of the gym...
Imagine being the woman who was consistent, dedicated, and passionate AF about her LIFE...
Imagine taking ONE step of courage that would change your life...
Imagine being OBSESSED (in a good way) with becoming stronger, physically and mentally...
Imagine FINALLY creating healthy habits for yourself...
Imagine being the woman who felt sexy AF inside and outside of the gym...
Imagine being the woman who was consistent, dedicated, and passionate AF about her LIFE...
Imagine taking ONE step of courage that would change your life...
Watch the Evolution of Courageously Confident below...
Courageously Confident is a 12 week program that will take you from being confused and frustrated AF with your workouts, to feeling confident, determined and more motivated than ever... and let me tell you, this goes BEYOND the gym. With the live mindset training, you will be GLOWING from the inside out. This is truly a LIFE transformation.
HEY! I'm your coach, Steph!
I'm Steph! I will take you along this 3-month journey in the most fun way possible! Not only do you have access to me every single day, but you get an ENTIRE community of women cheering you on and who UNDERSTAND YOU!
This program is my heart and soul. I used to be the "fat" girl. I also used to be the "skinny" girl. I had a horrible relationship with my body. I was clueless when it came to fitness because I was trying to DIY everything or find free Pinterest workouts #fail So, I decided to fix the program. I developed CC so that YOU don't ever have to be confused anymore. SO that YOU can feel confident AF in the gym. So that you ACTUALLY get results. |
Courageously Confident is for the woman who:
- Wants a structured and effective fitness plan so she'll NEVER have to worry about what to do in the gym again
- Has been intrigued by lifting weights, but never actually started because it seemed intimidating (OR maybe you HAVE been lifting weights, but you aren't seeing results because you aren't training effectively)
- Values her body and knows that feeling good is the catalyst to success in her life
- Wants to love her body again, and feel less pressure to look a certain way, but to FEEL incredible
- Stands strong on her own but also thrives in a badass community of women
What makes CC stand out from other programs?
Your mindset DIRECTLY affects the results you see in the gym. I see so many women do downloadable, free workouts - they stick with them for a week or two, and then they fall off the bandwagon.
WHY? Because they aren't taught the fundamental pillars that keep you GOING during your fitness journey. In Courageously Confident, we do SPECIFIC mindset trainings around:
WHY? Because they aren't taught the fundamental pillars that keep you GOING during your fitness journey. In Courageously Confident, we do SPECIFIC mindset trainings around:
- Discipline
- Consistency
- Self-awareness
- Resiliency
- Commitment + Courage
- Body-image
- Confidence
- How to integrate physical strength into mental strength
This program includes:
The heart of CC: The Community.
Courageously Confident has turned into something so much more than *just a workout program*. The women in CC have formed life-long friendships, have traveled to CC retreats, have opened themselves up to a whole new world of LIFE, EXCITEMENT, and PURPOSE!
We even created a Courageously Confident Documentary to SHOW YOU exactly what this looks like! And oh my gosh, I cry every time I watch the girls talk at the end.
We even created a Courageously Confident Documentary to SHOW YOU exactly what this looks like! And oh my gosh, I cry every time I watch the girls talk at the end.
Join the August session!
The next session of Courageously Confident begins August 1st 2019.
You may go ahead and declare your spot by signing up through the early bird pricing below!
You may go ahead and declare your spot by signing up through the early bird pricing below!
**The first step in transformation is honouring your word. All sales are final. Be sure.
Love, Steph
If you need a PAYMENT PLAN, please reach out to me HERE.
Love, Steph
If you need a PAYMENT PLAN, please reach out to me HERE.